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гуро cannibalism guro гуро манга ...секретные разделы 

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гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

Our story begins in the fictitious country, "Kami Koukoku". 1+ is a country ruled by the immortal "Kami Sumeragi", here, beautiful and voluptuous women are slaughtered as Niku Chiku for it is customary to use their body in a dish. ^ In accordance with the country's law, if a crime is committed,

Suzanne,s"dan^ïr‘ jl§| variation of a st"iRteas¿l originated fromfafcl in the tqûzâme?Àa Maíhíme who fpeçtorms. sfripfease in gfflSxejEEighf Pisfricf ^f..+n?Im^nal Capi+al. The danceiJwôûld.takêl off her^lofhesitovinql wifh^fhelaudience^unfiH iiBfl^ealthviwoman, fTjittfher^lewdlvydressed

As there i^n?speciai| service being afferedl j no ma++a^h^w|^^J would loo^~;j!vas1 / a misjj^»81il Ibeinq^uch an expert in tthe^ancejs what makes iSyzanne^s appearance ^IpIlP^av, odd. h”tlyflher?clothes. . He r/cosfu meltoday is, rn^h,liqhtem~nan?usual. LWh^l^a^^^^avi fdidfshe%ai<gsuch?al

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

'Cmd evenimXeveryohe. j i I a^.Su2anne Peace. r It seeMs that a Najwrankina official had noticed that the Meat on iwjjfcp^a^ grow« fat recently. Therefore, a crimuas fabricated andt was charge*) with insurrection, so as it Is I l>ecaMe an Onna Niku Chfku. Within the next feu days, I aM

Hearin^thatlthelfamousa rsexv Maihime-san was^ ^ j-sexy Maihime-san was scheduled foFsIaucjhteciril +he Capital, manyresidentsl u^had gathered, quickj^M surrounding the JT" P execution^grourS^' „two giant Dutchers. ^gtValking calmly, hig plump [buttocksxan be seen swaying ^*<in the distances

 , As,ihe.clo+hes?Suzannfcworel t+^Bu+chers^uqhiyJ^a^t.tJ them off. |The'j5u+oh^'s grabbo+fro+J Suzanne's hands and bind^j them +o the pillory, 'jjjjk icomple+ely exposing the nude j woman's volup+uous, pure-white body to +he crowd. Then, They lif+ed^he/’w volup+uous NIku Chiku up, forcing

[orcîasmrand.tobkroutâthe] .^^slaughtering knife^B |yrk^-tjj|+ie butcher grippa porhofl Sj^îone of her^hugeTTiea^whicMj B^book whenever*she breathed^B One of f hem caresses! her breast, the''o+het^jj 'grab^her silky hair, he9 ■ soff/^whi+^neck was! pulled^and fhe knife'^ MQ* V* * ^ " U thrusts

 gldodhadxomraefel^ Noticing quiet, the bu^^SS^5s*ras^S5l on It■. J-'csT ' Roughly touchin?s|!5anr^g£n3 breast, he confir^djhajthea N^woman’s heart had3+opj^* bea-V Yy\VA\\v He informs his colleague^^J together, they carried.the'jNjkuj Xhiku's plump corpsetcTahug^ \^®^utting board. V\ 'W

First, the butchers^smavQ her pubic hairs wH^h akTii^ Then the knife~pierces.that® pearl-like bosom, thus the Parapet ot her chest "was^k opened just like that. KlTosinq the skin binding the* [breads together, Suzanne^ Ejjai^wtieavy meat quicklyj BrollT^both sides ot theW

*Hie Iwofbuj^ers^^^ugi^^^^Jengithv iron bar^They inserfed,theTsharty end of fhe rod inside her vulva, if pierced Suzanne's faffy meaf all fhe way fhrough fo fhe cuf neck. Her exfremifies were puncfured wifh several chisels, fhe girl was fixed on all fours. Wifh her sfomach sfuffed wifh spices,

ESuz~a'n'ne'^fe?^ii?fi^^^is cookedmwefe perfection. ТНё1псН^^0^^регЬ^г^^||кУсЫки wa^^^?giossyj KFIotwig sof+j^ou£gJ^e girl's back, the fats mixed\ifh oil sparkie*and glow, it trickles down along fe being welJ|^oas+e'3,w+ljey Rad retained their JshapestyThe two hu^perfectl^round meat seem to> ■

- Maihime Dancing Princess or female dancer. - Kami Koukoku Divine Kingdom or God Empire. - Kami Sumeragi (#M): Divine Emperor or God Emperor. - Niku Chiku (l^itr): Slaughtered Meat. - Onna Chiku Female Livestock. - Onna Niku Chiku (&|£]il): Slaughtered Girl Meat.,гуро,guro,секретные


гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

 /4vj I \ M. 1 Щ m,гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга

шкЩ jjjgjjjjs 1 Híríír ’ÜISilHtí ip MÈ,гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга


Our story begins in the fictitious country, "Kami Koukoku". 1+ is a country ruled by the immortal "Kami Sumeragi", here, beautiful and voluptuous women are slaughtered as Niku Chiku for it is customary to use their body in a dish. ^ In accordance with the country's law, if a crime is committed, only a woman can assume responsibility by volunteering to be Onna Chiku, regardless if she is guilty. Pue to the Kami Sumeragi's grand enchantment, if a specialized butcher kills such a woman within, fcfhe country, the fact is that at the instant- sheloses.heijife, one would experience an orgasm"-•'^^/-Î'^^^+hatjiot-evêri.the usual sexual jntercourse.could matrhv^ jThe^foreTeven though the Kàmi'Sumeraqi.is missinq^an^ therto(?^gitior^i^^tjft^gi^p^ yë^eaucratsTemain'as^s^Usinq tfiéir au^h^rity^âll^^^^^^leasantlfeelinq^t^s^^a^^d^ . ;mJ* ^^beaut^tywome?^d^Ljmshe^|^n^s The women gave up defending theri^elves\nd^volunfeeredJ:c^become*Nil^Chiku,fmanvIface'd>thei^ slaughtered, as wasd®dS^$^^^easted^^%y^>he eyesoTtt^*crawd^ ^ org^s^the^reatest^atisfaction "for such'women _ \ It was a fate*>they.nad.no choi^t^wo^face.^f^^ajlM:■ k'0£ ■'* iThe heroine~of,this story is the Maihime,ClSuzanne>awtToiliye/d]inlsuc^
Suzanne,s"dan^ïr‘ jl§| variation of a st"iRteas¿l originated fromfafcl in the tqûzâme?Àa Maíhíme who fpeçtorms. sfripfease in gfflSxejEEighf Pisfricf ^f..+n?Im^nal Capi+al. The danceiJwôûld.takêl off her^lofhesitovinql wifh^fhelaudience^unfiH iiBfl^ealthviwoman, fTjittfher^lewdlvydressed LVM+.bodvA»\ BsneldancesTni^ch at 1 [placebtoT^inlthe!lusffulJ ¡ÉTadmirafiôrCof herA ,on¡ylár^nqleIth^adl I remains jn.theTnd." fbhe’was^^^p^M i -■•'latZtyp^-flaance; 'azinqlthinqj jnC£,l fj-houqhisnejisll t^l^^eJn^Tiipples| ^and^^talial^mainedj ga ungyposed.-toZlneB |a|^^Fo!^her audience^B ^^jrcuja+ing, claimingj ■man^plea^n t*e рп^!тр1у^Д ■w^TCn^g^feMaih^^B 1 ^Pna^^raqe^^P ’HBcdisplay.^SBi fmysrerwSuzanne's ^^ance^as very ^¡^■popular ‘■Though evenlnow,] fhe fruf rumor remainedW hiddeninadeepm
As there i^n?speciai| service being afferedl j no ma++a^h^w|^^J would loo^~;j!vas1 / a misjj^»81il Ibeinq^uch an expert in tthe^ancejs what makes iSyzanne^s appearance ^IpIlP^av, odd. h”tlyflher?clothes. . He r/cosfu meltoday is, rn^h,liqhtem~nan?usual. LWh^l^a^^^^avi fdidfshe%ai<gsuch?al ^KAsconsequenceSW ihei^enormousTbreasts* ■seem to be visible«! ¡^Fhrough the ha^^H Iblunderi'ij surelvy-haticumboi EouldiHjpetn^ueB^ Pjn^Sjhe’movemenil fpfjierdance isn’t ay Sensational as it ^^^mall^_i^hoseB [beaTHfureye^of.oeoi №ttle_tears can^SI jw hen"the?danceTe?iers] ^^^iimax^snej<neeis] aownfa?Suzannejsl parting herabundar^ thighs,^ glist^ingj fluid was'slowlylM flowing from between! her leqsrdown_tolthel

'Cmd evenimXeveryohe. j i I a^.Su2anne Peace. r It seeMs that a Najwrankina official had noticed that the Meat on iwjjfcp^a^ grow« fat recently. Therefore, a crimuas fabricated andt was charge*) with insurrection, so as it Is I l>ecaMe an Onna Niku Chfku. Within the next feu days, I aM scheduledto be*-kHied publicly at the Capital's square. This ¿once tonight luill probably be My last dance. .mm i h To everyone who ha*) watched over we, lorn very grateful. jBwpiLr-, ■ * I've wanted for this final dance to be shaped by those feeling- '~X ^ •MHp[ip . ^ . My bo*)y had been ^y pri*)e an*) laM exposing it all for this exhibition, it is My way'of repaying everyone, jjg&i with this, I believe that I aM truly happy. IvSlnk fr-~.......j, ThreeMore ¿ays, just three More ¿ays and I will be slaughtered If you could, I hope everyone here in attendance uould coMe and see My end“
Hearin^thatlthelfamousa rsexv Maihime-san was^ ^ j-sexy Maihime-san was scheduled foFsIaucjhteciril +he Capital, manyresidentsl u^had gathered, quickj^M surrounding the JT" P execution^grourS^' „two giant Dutchers. ^gtValking calmly, hig plump [buttocksxan be seen swaying ^*<in the distances she^tt| [•approaches the'square. „ _jThe way she walks is not the , •walksomeonetvho is about to^face death^rather, itjs how’ she would usually walk onto V , her^own^stage.
 , As,ihe.clo+hes?Suzannfcworel t+^Bu+chers^uqhiyJ^a^t.tJ them off. |The'j5u+oh^'s grabbo+fro+J Suzanne's hands and bind^j them +o the pillory, 'jjjjk icomple+ely exposing the nude j woman's volup+uous, pure-white body to +he crowd. Then, They lif+ed^he/’w volup+uous NIku Chiku up, forcing her +o crawl n like a dog on +he s+and. Even though Suzanne has become extremely embarrassed from not ¡wearing even a single thread, she kept with her graceful smile that I /#tone would often see. Peing completely bound and unable to move, Suzanne's fat breasts dropped down, they hanged heavily, forming a deep ravine. before her, the two enormous breasts swing and shake in accordance^with the butchers' mbyemen+sBanSSSt^^eak of
[orcîasmrand.tobkroutâthe] .^^slaughtering knife^B |yrk^-tjj|+ie butcher grippa porhofl Sj^îone of her^hugeTTiea^whicMj B^book whenever*she breathed^B One of f hem caresses! her breast, the''o+het^jj 'grab^her silky hair, he9 ■ soff/^whi+^neck was! pulled^and fhe knife'^ MQ* V* * ^ " U thrusts across. ^ ^ The.man caresses bo+h of IS ^Suzanne's larqe breasts wifh 11 vwfe r ./ V fhaf hand,^ertainly, the woman's tifs have^grown^very faf. V A stream o£ blood spejv fa forth„from the cuf section, if troursinto^a coppej^basin fhaf was placed underneath ' ■the Niku Chiku's neo3*y y hey' continue to bouncep attractively because of-his] , ,,V 4 v\ A fondlmg^^ * •And then/thewher butcher! takes out'a hard and^rouglj wooden^t^k,f?e pushes \\% into Suzanne's^lready moisj B^^T^knoieJ^eliberateM^I r Jvering it inside the vaginal l|‘ Iwust as it is. Ê// \® Keeping up wih^heyfestiyit^^ Suzanne reaches her climax! mer healthy; beaufifulTip^ fijody sweai?and begSjS Bconvulsgon the stage» B^whon^could noter lust, was unable such stimulation. jj^etdied femal^ ■ her audience had JongedJ ^mrea^^^^^^rnngArhatB Ifectil^^^^^^^shaking r'iolentlvrand^onceiagainjTe^ readjeatoday^finallvlcai mT Zf ror^f hose lips: renticinglvulvaTCumlferventlv^ ^Rf^^StrOgghngji^^^B fanimal,.SuzanneI leakediou:' ] jlongj^t„h^lite;iygoneTl
 gldodhadxomraefel^ Noticing quiet, the bu^^SS^5s*ras^S5l on It■. J-'csT ' Roughly touchin?s|!5anr^g£n3 breast, he confir^djhajthea N^woman’s heart had3+opj^* bea-V Yy\VA\\v He informs his colleague^^J together, they carried.the'jNjkuj Xhiku's plump corpsetcTahug^ \^®^utting board. V\ 'W ^^htthe body jwn^indthe. Poth of Suzanne’s feet^mgj^ high as they drooped^powerless!^ \ outside the cutting board.*! between the Niku Chiku's crotch,
First, the butchers^smavQ her pubic hairs wH^h akTii^ Then the knife~pierces.that® pearl-like bosom, thus the Parapet ot her chest "was^k opened just like that. KlTosinq the skin binding the* [breads together, Suzanne^ Ejjai^wtieavy meat quicklyj BrollT^both sides ot theW ¡HerA'ivid!bvet^^d^reas^ k.-insides are.beqinninq to ^ \\becomevisible?l(^^ ^Looking at*suc^^|^ beautiful meat, on^^^d* ^^derstan^wh^th^cor^u^J ■officials went through th^ eff^tejof charging herwjtm jfca fals^gj^rie, tui^i^ygj| The^butcher scrapes out SuzanneJsJSrgans inside her se^am^^so it can be^ok in^^n^^^he^tomachs, intestinesfand otherjnternal
*Hie Iwofbuj^ers^^^ugi^^^^Jengithv iron bar^They inserfed,theTsharty end of fhe rod inside her vulva, if pierced Suzanne's faffy meaf all fhe way fhrough fo fhe cuf neck. Her exfremifies were puncfured wifh several chisels, fhe girl was fixed on all fours. Wifh her sfomach sfuffed wifh spices, she was ready fo be charbroil. rH^^wlfoiO^ân^s’î^as^^l^^f^^^îfhe^orcftnq j!rep!îsTOeaf^hai<e| ^kfengf^kèd^îfe - r s sra&.iA^H-'^ i|^lidou^ieaj?j^^yëaj^gjlg^fhe [Suzanne is havincranother orgasm, no difference^rar^+h^^^^^had^herj long ago in fhaf grand spectacle^^^^^^^^^M ,now
ESuz~a'n'ne'^fe?^ii?fi^^^is cookedmwefe perfection. ТНё1псН^^0^^регЬ^г^^||кУсЫки wa^^^?giossyj KFIotwig sof+j^ou£gJ^e girl's back, the fats mixed\ifh oil sparkie*and glow, it trickles down along fe being welJ|^oas+e'3,w+ljey Rad retained their JshapestyThe two hu^perfectl^round meat seem to> ■ look terribly dellcfous.^Wi+h a knife, the cook cut off Suzanne's fatty right breasf. Along ^ was cutj fresh fragrance jfroml belonging?-^f^^^mer meafolfemporarilv filled fhe'air. 1 i Woufseeli tlKPi^Gb'selne! momer ywTORfsi^vi^jlsiile^^ven ■ nowill Snne's lewd meaf, m^ofticials |**j words'with" one" iqjjlrexrowd.— ,ИЯИ1!!ав!Я1И!1 fSirSinr-iKSli JK'iBIsiiilS'iltll
- Maihime Dancing Princess or female dancer. - Kami Koukoku Divine Kingdom or God Empire. - Kami Sumeragi (#M): Divine Emperor or God Emperor. - Niku Chiku (l^itr): Slaughtered Meat. - Onna Chiku Female Livestock. - Onna Niku Chiku (&|£]il): Slaughtered Girl Meat.

 /4vj I \ M. 1 Щ m

шкЩ jjjgjjjjs 1 Híríír ’ÜISilHtí ip MÈ
гуро,guro,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,cannibalism guro,гуро манга
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STÜKY IDEA 6/ MERLE HILL л\\ iS: Ж Лг -v , привет! Так мы идем4 I мясной рынок? Что ты инла приготовить на ужин? 1дем, конечно! Груди посочнее куплф\ вез жира чтобы* лшше от школьницы. ) [ Если, разумеется, .свежие есть. 3 штуки, / \от разных девиц. И варвекю устроим. J lane понравится... глр~^-------------- ,

гуро,guro секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor гуро манга cannibalism guro dolcett

 л\\ iS: Ж Лг -v , привет! Так мы идем4 I мясной рынок? Что ты инла приготовить на ужин? 1дем, конечно! Груди посочнее куплф\ вез жира чтобы* лшше от школьницы. ) [ Если, разумеется, .свежие есть. 3 штуки, / \от разных девиц. И варвекю устроим. J lane понравится... глр~^-------------- ,
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