Kill Me as a Sacrifice to Mother 2 [desudesu][Honey Rider69 (nanashi niito)] - 1 часть
DIM! (лшл;№аЧ.& cffiaisfe'^icixoxiissuT, «o^tacsi'sr. !®Mo &fc«x£t на ^i^x^aBfjtfertST-rtf, />bT-fefe'S(cSDTJIWctotSoT330^'r„ T*iiT*tt, «ф/ч-уловиикойв-ги-е-го DIM^y^id^C^id^w^h-gB
■швшягж m> тш® oumsm mm APTPI? Ш 1НШШ, HI5 ШШ РА66РС7 ОН...
itamu-san's еАтнее o\eo mew we was a ume еоч.ъо Hie eeiArives мото him детек his мотнею vem. owe to his мотнею ееритАтюн Ав a Loose WOMAN, ITAMU-SAN WAS ILL ШАГеО 04 HIS UNOie. we was uueo out том тне House WHeN не тиенео го. кбтяЩ KIMIPORI'S IMAGINATION
т&зт вшш шеши ж £ ЙШ
ОН ORAP/ мтнб MOW IT Ш.&о MS WANT ТО THROW UP A6AIN.../ SVWUoW ГГ АЦ! иксе ней. им okay/ JUST THINKING ABOUT WHAT НАРРенее eieouers ме/ ITAMU'SAN/ PLfASe pon't pie/ ITAMU- SAAAAAN/
I SHOUiff RUN AWAY WH5N тнове two 6IRL6 we WORKIN6... жтшыьт, i qoh't mt ANY
он, i ейouu?ve шкооиоео гнем то чои <ьоош. ANVWAV, гневе кие мч ретв. ' THIS ONe'6 MA6NUM, WHILe тне огне* оие'ь NAPALM. уеру PPI5NC7LV сгтть. I НОР^ УОи'LL бет ALON6 WeLL with тнем. 11 и HUH? И you HAve ! £7066?
\ О И RI6HT, тч рон'т чои ?ш WITH гнем? m рр PUN. PON'T тггч. тиру won't eirp. N О/ такр тнрм AWAV/ чоч вното rpoovpr prom ТНР PARALV6I6 IN AR0UNC? 3 MINUTP6. 6УАААА/ 1Т'5 0RAWLIN6 INTO МУ 0АОК/ ANVWA1// I HAVP 60МР PATIPNT6 ТО МРРТ. INTPROOM МР IP VOU NPPC7 ЛЛР. ОН, PI6HT. KIMI0ORI TOOK A HALP РАУ LPAVP. бНР'б ON HPR WAV PAOK, IN PAOT. HOOOOO!
6HIT, I £AN'T m n mit A PIN6«/
I... IT PttlS SO 6000... MV HIPS Ate mov ino ON TH^IR OWN/ AAH... IIHN... MA6NUM-OHAN'6 H5AC7 16 RU00IN6 mv mioes.J MV A66... OH 600, IT f*g 5U6 SO 6000! I'M ABOUT to oum I'M ABOUT 10 UNLOAP MY 606K MILK! CRAP-
А I'M ш-MIN6...! I'M £UMMIN6/ PUAA... I... £ANT 6ЮТ cumiua..
о ITAMU'6AN. ITAMU' 6АААМ/ MORE... please have MORE OP mv puta oum/ OH OPAP... I'M L06IN6 IT.. I'M OOIN6 TO PA66 OUT.../
—— ИАН- i'M ецлЛНс iHsjDE- FOAAA i САИ'-r sW , CUMMjHc! me te A LIVIN6 wen...
I'M 40 ЪОШ:
Kill Me As A Sacrifice To Mother!2
в шыг l'6o 9т й-®»45^ ап ОМ ?"#4Н Sft С 9?ГГ««Й aw ч- ЭКО йо 3- St JMI4-?- ГУ Hg п Эм,с' = ® йЗ >J» 4J///S SH ° rat ; >jw rv o> Рг -hi ; C“ <r С* А > 6» §t Пг, •tfn- е Vj О 0» 1 a- <"№ CHI T: rv 9т С 1 0/ 1>J -Ht 4 rv С •ЭЭ У at А ®HJ ft c- 9t - V' c- 9tt §§! -si Й 4 с~ >ч Э ° с 1 gffi 9tt т §$ Ч о- at ° ffi 3- -4 H е HI ft V" a» vof ШИ
Kill Me As A Sacrifice To Mother! 2 09.12.31 Шт: HoneyRider69 EPS!) : Ш For adult only Mail address Special Thanks Ж±ч GREMORY, ЙШ шт and you !! Web site Rupture (#XD) Ш Rupture (R18) Z(D№§l£7'r'?i/3yT-$- **©А«ч WISE, ш, ш*. аш*&£-адвю*03:1*л,о * *j h *-■? 2/ a С Яй < E г Ио 2'Ilv иш©{йю««»мвис**(Аа;А;) Scanned by Randornguy664
Itamu Satou Birthday: 22nd May Age: 20 years old Height: 178 cm Weight: 55 kg Personality: Passive nihilist. Likes quiet places. He feels uneasy when women are within 2 meters radius from him. He panics and may even throw up when in contact with women. His father died when he was two years old. He's been living with his single mother ever since. He's a top student who excelled at both sports and studies, and have made many friends. He was given a scholarship when entering high school. On his 15th birthday, he was raped by his mother. Since then, his personality has changed completely. He rarely speaks, and prefers to be left alone. On the following year, her mother suddenly died. It was said that she died while having sex, causing Itamu to harbor a feeling of distrust towards women. Because he was a minor when he lost both parents, his relatives who lived nearby took charge of taking care of him. Itamu's stay was unwelcomed by his unde, due to his resentment towards Itamu's mother. Itamu soon became a delinquent, and turned into a loner. When he became an adult, he was kicked out of house, and into Nakaoka city. He meets Kimidori and Azure at his new home in Nakaoka. Azure Ayase Birthday: 6th December Age: 23 years old Height: 162 cm Weight: 57 kg Personality: calm and collected A staff member of the Japanese branch for IRO (International Rehabilitation Organization). Her parents are japanese, though she was raised in America. A child prodigy, she is well versed in Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and various ancient languages. She is well read, but she rarely talks. She rarely shows much emotion as well, and she sometimes make very blunt statements without even batting an eye. She dislikes wearing undergarments. Everyone who knows her are well aware of that fact. She runs a succesful clinic in Nakaoka city, where the IRO's branch is also located at. She is Kimidori's boss, and Itamu’s attending physician. Her hobby is human observation, and she likes animals. She keeps two tentacle pets, Magnum (male) and Napalm (female). While it's pretty obvious that the tentacles' secretions contain aphrodisiac properties, she keeps them as a normal pet, the same way one keeps a normal domestic pet, like hamsters, dogs, cats, rabbits, parrots and whatnot. Her two pets have a liking for Itamu's, to the point of shoving themselves into his mouth and his... other orifice on the lower half of his body. Kimidori Makino Birthday: 5th April Age: 19 years old Height: 157 cm Weigt: 50 kg personality: A cheerful, friendly person who never have ill intentions. Also a bit of an airhead. The second daughter in her family, she lived a peaceful, ordinary life with her family, she is a born hermaphrodite, but she doesn't isn't bothered by it at all, and accepts it as part of her identity. The people who know her are well aware about it as well, all the women in her family are hermaphrodites, too. Upon graduating high school, she started working in azure’s clinic while living with her as well. Kimidori believes that Itamu is the man she is looking for in her life. Since meeting him, she's been trying to show her love, but they always ended up having sex, with Itamu in the submissive position. Despite her feelings, Itamu doesn't feel the same towards her. No matter how many times Itamu tried to say no to her, Kimidori refuses to let anything stop her from showing her love. She's also an airhead, so she simply cannot act accordingly to many situations. Kimidori has a rather strong desire. She gets incredibly horny if she doesn't get off in 3 days. Also, she lacks a sense of taste. For instance, she enjoys eating burgers with a generous spread of strawberry jam.
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