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File: 1366015272595 pnq-(235 KB, 804x1000, two extra holes.png)
oo D Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)04:41 No.9866744 Replies: »9366783 »9871821
Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)14:16 No.9872961 Replies: »9873491 »9873725
Standing hesitantly in the doorway, you wonder what actually brought you here. For a very
File: 1366015272595 pnq-(235 KB, 804x1000, two extra holes.png) oo D Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)04:41 No.9866744 Replies: »9366783 »9871821 Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)14:16 No.9872961 Replies: »9873491 »9873725 Standing hesitantly in the doorway, you wonder what actually brought you here. For a very long time you have had an urge for something special. Paying for mares and fillies has grown boring. There really isn't anything left that you haven't done. In a world of pastel equines you might be considered a deviant. They couldn't be more wrong. Their day to day boring routines disgusts you. Smiling, it dawns on you that they will never feel this rush. Years of work have filled your pockets with bits. You can take pleasure from this world as you see fit. It actually wasn't nearly as hard as you thought it would be to convince the mother. She had clearly sold her daughter like this before. Maybe not quite this way, but still. A single mother, struggling to live in an expensive place like Cloudsdale, it really couldn't be easy. She had looked defiant against your offer for but a moment. Staring at the pile of bits. It was enough for the whole year. She couldn't refuse. Seven hundred for the whole night. Anything you wanted. No questions asked. Her room was dark in the early evening. Grinning, you realize it really didn't matter. It felt cool inside, with a faint smell of peppermint wafting past. She was sleeping already. Head tucked tightly against a threadbare blanket, her chest rose and fell so softly. Pale light from a waning moon trickled onto her pale blue coat, eyelids shut against useless eyes. You were already so excited. Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)14:51 No.9873491 Replies: »9873725 »9373733 »9873821 »9872961 The floor squeaked underfoot as you walk towards the simple bed, barely containing yourself. You step around a cheaply stitched pony doll, before realizing she had stirred from her sleep. She had every reason to be a light sleeper. The foal pretends she's still asleep for a moment, until she feels your weight on the bed. "Mom?" She whispers softly, voice still hazy from sleep. You don't say anything. Somehow it would spoil the mood. Simply reaching out, you run a hand up her sleeping form. She feels so warm. The small pony doesn't shy from your touch as you stroke her cheek and brush her mane out of her face. Pulling back the covers, you reveal your prize. She is so beautiful curled up on the white sheets. Her blank flanks are just starting to round out, showing the early curves of a mare. A light touch against her leg causes the foal to shudder slightly. She knows by now what's going on. Dull eyes look back at your seeking hand, trying so hard to see the stranger feeling her up. The fact she can't see your actions make for an excitement you never felt before. Every light touch on her most intimate places makes her flinch. You can't help but grin at her cute reactions, stroking her inner thighs softly as you pet her mane. Unable to contain yourself, you undo your pants with your free hand. The filly's ears prick up at the sound of your zipper, as her head turns toward you, her faded eyes meeting yours as you pull off the constricting denim. Freeing your member, you can already feel yourself dripping onto her bedspread. You pat her head once more. "Can you tell me your name, dear?" She still is staring up at you as she whispers again. "Snowdrop..." You reach down and gently grasp her front hoof. Placing it on your dick, you flinch at her cold hoof. "Do you know what this is, Snowdrop?" The foal nods. You ruffle her mane slightly, smiling at her. 'Then you must know what to do with it, right?" Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)15:10 No.9873821 Replies: »9874250 »9874254 »9873491 (You) Her reaction is immediate. She fumbles only slightly, feeling her way to the tip, reaching out with her soft, pink tongue, caressing you as her hot breath runs along your shaft. The small pony begins an awkward, although passable blowjob. Her mouth is so small she can barely take in more than the tip. You feel like you can give her a pass on that though. It wasn't what you came for, anyways. Your fingers grow more and more brave as you explore her body, fingering the foal deeply. She obviously had lost her virginity long ago. Her folds became wet and hot against your palm, responding in a way that belied her young age. Hooking your index finger you massaged her sensitive upper wall, causing young Snowdrop to gasp against your rod, her tight entrance reflexively grasping your finger and squeezing it like a vise. You reach with your free hand, and pull her greedy mouth from you. Her sloppy efforts had done nothing to satisfy you. Still fingering her, you run your dick along her muzzle, trailing saliva and precum over her pristine coat. Her tiny mouth is hung open, as she pants slightly from your efforts on her marehood. Her skin is soft soft against you, almost like velvet. "Snowdrop, is it true you can't see?" She nods her head, clearly liking the treatment you were giving her. "So you must feel your eyes are useless, don't you? Well, I'll tell you a secret then. They are far from useless. They are very special to me, in fact." Her look changes as she perks up slightly. Maybe a slight twinge of excitement as she hears your praise. You move your shaft up slightly, pausing against her upper cheek. As you press upwards, you feel the soft contact of her iris against you, stinging precum touching the sensitive organ, making her blink hard. The eyelashes tickle slightly. A new wave of adrenaline courses through as she tried to break away, rearing her head back. But she is so tiny. Your gently stroking of her mane becomes a vice like grip, holding her. ] Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)15:34 No-9874250 Replies: »9374327 »9374357 »9374425 »9374437 »9873821 (You) She squirms slightly, so you pull her mane hard, forcing her down against the bedspread. Snowdrop gasps, struggling to catch her breath as you step up your ministrations on her young snatch, rubbing her clit hard and making her rear legs spasm. You thrust in again, hard this time. Her pale blue iris was like a bullseye as she darted them downwards in a futile attempt to see her assailant. The feeling is unlike anything you have ever felt. The outside was tougher then it looked, but you could feel a soft, sponginess underneath, inviting you in. Her eyelid batted at you wildly, amusing you further as you rubbed yourself against her large pupil. Suddenly you feel her moan slightly, as her cunt spasms against you wildly. The foal cums hard against, your finger lovingly stroking her through the pleasure. Her mouth hands open, tongue lolling out against her little cheek. She can't possibly see you as you thrust forward. The look of her eye puncturing as you entered was positively surreal. Her blue iris was forced back inside of the socket, and a warm thick liquid spilled onto your member. You are amazed how little blood there actually is. The filly thrashes at the sudden pain, overcoming her orgasm in a mere moment. There's little she can do as you hold her head firm, savoring the feeling of her warm, ruined eye around your cockhead. You grin as her eyelid bats down furiously, trying to protect the ruined organ. A minute later, she lays more still, panting heavily, as she possibly lapsed into a state of shock. It really made no difference to you. More excited then you had been in years, you pull back and thrust again, curious how far you could enter her. Feeling the harder cartilage of her skull, you look down and see she can accommodate little more then the tip. The back of her socket is annoyingly shallow, but it will certainly do. You thrust harder as you find her limits, feeling the remnants of her eye gently pull against you on each thrust. Anonymous 04/15/13(Mon)15:49 No.9874487 Replies: »9874546 »9374563 File: 1366055342079.ipq-(46 KB, 700x700, 284648_UNOPT_safe_oc_pe(...).jpg) »9874250 Liquid streams down her face, tears on the good side, and a thin, watery fluid from your hole of choice. Her other eye stares blankly forward now, as her breath comes shallow and hurried. You can feel it against your inner thighs as you push deeply into her. As you stir her up, the eye yields more to you, growing less tight by the moment. It doesn't matter. You were already so close. She flinches when you cum. Apparently the salty fluid still irritated her ruined socket. You would definitely have to remember that. Filling up the tiny space, your cum cascades out, dripping down her pale blue face, adorning her with a type of man made tears. They stream down her cheek, before dripping softly onto the bed. After a moment you pull out with a squelching noise, letting her eyelid finally snap back to cover the ravaged hole. Cleaning yourself on her soiled sheet, you pull the blanket up tightly and tuck her back in. Both eyes are shut tightly as you pat her trembling head. Speaking briefly with mom on your way out, you give her a bit extra for antibiotics from the doctor. You certainly weren't a monster. And besides, you wanted to maintain a good relationship. There was still one perfectly good hole left, after all.
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