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P.s. Перевод начинать?

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* Vo, she was totally staring at you! * That was AWESOME! * I’m S0000 jealous! * Cone on! Let’s go -v follow her! A (And I’ n ... a bit aroused now. ) How about we don’t. »giggle* you okay? * VERH! Hey, wait up,Under(her)tail,Napstablook,Undertale

Several sequences of walking later. (Where did she go?) * Rrrr than, I bet I can ^ turn her sweet legs into spagetti. ) / ** Vo. .. you saw that I night!? II /1 *■ Sorry * Don5 t woppy, you’11 get youp chance again. IJow, you wepe so ™ close to getting hr gpab by hep too! (Seeing Kitty’s

umbrella later If I was a guy, I’d pissed myself.•■ \ * Knowing she would ass-rape me! \ * Nokyel is SO cool. *■ She fucks everyone up and NEVER LOSES (Happy thoughts, happy thoughts... ) *■ What’s up? Tj/ NOTHING? I yot rain in my eye. Con+iml yourself? CYy yourself? Cil p- G4\yourself ?

After controlling himself. . . (Goddamn! Having an erection for this long can’t be healthly. ) SHIT* HGflIM!* Goodbye •1/, ,/f i-4U / ¡1 'll T~ siH'Xj \,Under(her)tail,Napstablook,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,r34,тематическое порно/thematic porn,секретные

Oh? VoiT ve fallen down, haven’t you. . . Ore you alright? Charnis? That’s an odd name. My n But a still nice. Where an I? (Again (Hot as soft as the last one, but still nicely firm. ) f (Another one of those sex-dolls?),Under(her)tail,Napstablook,Undertale

■* Hahaha * F m the spirit living inside the DOLL. I even didn’t think sex dolls had souls! L-Look, if I can maybe My consin was like me, BUT THEN VOU GROPED HER! f/ ^ i * Ashamed, she lefted hep doll! , , •!/ * Forever. * Forever! (She’s got knives!?) *• Ho dick; No ^ LUSTFUL SOUL?/ *

*■ feel free to "cone with” if you want.. . * Oh, FORGET IT? * r m outta here? / Blooksanap! »HRHRHRHfl HRH- . .. sorry, i interrupted you, didn’t i? Vou kiddiny? I could kiss you right now! - oh no * i’ n going to head hone now. . .,Under(her)tail,Napstablook,Undertale

* Sometines I like to lie on the ground and feel like trash. * Do you. . . want to join me? v (I keep forgetting she* s a ghost. ) Well, don’t nind if I *• its not much, but make yourself at hone. / Sure So... only get up if you want to move around, i guess. yX' (... Its weird. The more I

(Oh man, do I feel her.) r (Wait... I feel something else...) * Ooo ooo ooo * well, that was nice. * thank you... Cl fe«i\ everythingTJ (Holy shit? I-) (Everything is. . . ) (.. . its getting ne off?),Under(her)tail,Napstablook,Undertale

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