\ V / » — _.. л гCUM- r MING I Hku h-! Well played, darling^? Though I still could use s / LoL porn :: stomach deformation :: Порно-комиксы без перевода :: Ahri (Ари) :: секретные фетиши :: Порно-комиксы (Порно комиксы,) :: r34 (тематическое порно/thematic porn) :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: tentacles :: секретные разделы (скрытые разделы joyreactor) :: artist :: MushyPeas :: фэндомы

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Hku h-!
Well played, darling^?
Though I still could use some more...
^One dares to satisfy its ^ sick taste of voyeurism by dropping by my mealtime’.. ^ What a sleazy child! .,MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL porn,r34,тематическое

Show yourself
A duty to Hell? You perverted little brat...
C, captain Teemo on duty...
JAW riecht, scout of I Bandle... any final [ words to sav? .
r Let me see-introduction, essence, Hand of Baron, Baron this, Baron that v blah blah... >
' Hold on...!

WHAT THE-Where did all these shit come from?!
kOf all the things * I expected, this was definitely not on the list!!!
Damn is she sensitive...
There should be a way...!
./"'What?	^
Watcha gonna do?
Blow a magic Ss, flute?! >

Deep Down Nashor's Nest
Drawing clothes is too hard
) Well Thanks, That Explains A I DAMN LOT- HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HELP ME???

turning outlfilpe kinda weirdY^but in theoend. 1 did succeed in gaining the Baron's . \ interest! /
r^stdys^solid:	\
•^retrieveW^Bron's essence and gain the Bargnjbuff... Not evn sun? if it'll work, but iNdon't l see any other \ options left!
I'm kind of an expert in these stuff'

It really came in... the Baron s huge tentacle-inside my ass!!!
—r\ *hicc*
I m soo
Why won t this thing stop I comming in?! Stop...stop...!
Won t you ever l Give me a / break?!
Stop... please!
I could actually |see my stomach |bulging! This

I Filthy M tentacles JJ are filling P my innards \ with \ disgust...! V
My belly... / S 1 can J barely / breathe...!
This is hell...
I don't care about that stupid buff anymore. Please, l just kill me...! a
Wait-its too fast, pull it gently!!!
You're I messing up my insides? My guts

Oh... is he letting ' me go now...? Need i to run away, but the impact of the penetration drained all my j strength...
I’ll never do such thing again, please let me go..
*7 Come to think of it, > why would Baron be affected by my charm spell anyway? This was all just a naughty prank,

mf Thanks for showing up just to make By him mad. now we're all fucked...!
f You would've rethought your dumb visit^B if you tried out the Nashor's deluxe tentacle ^B L anal-evacuation service...!!
Well, would you expect me to rather sit around and do jack-shit while Baron is planning to make an

	J ASS APART...?? f
I a\ 11 Ijj \ / 1 [Jr / / \ /IfH \	
fl	L—		? /1	
ow you re crossing the line...
r Enough whining!
I’m gonna hunt you down myself, no matter what it takes...! .

Ten Minutes Later...
It takes forever. He’s unbeatable
' Why did I even sign up to this nonsense in the first place?
Maybe there is a good reason why one shouldn’t . mess with yordles... ,
Guess III just give up now...
...What about this darn tentacle beast? I SWEAR he knows I can’t run away,

f^Falot^easier onlv«i^\^ul№Gamej KtITey lous^siut^.cB^.QilviQr^W
|TiKis5isia»6acl"ti m'e*t oiridt-iona l ize
^S.nutfucUtKi si i slwnerjei i tie ndslB lHw5sTimp^siBlelir^tl^ti"tlpjQce
N cptj^^si np^wfl^lll lib -^wna^CLUt thinker mef.j^H
vauir^bVt'terttnQ^naty vnfa?i
W N.	

All this force, all this restraint...!
The feeling of getting smashed being tied up like a sex slave...! The best sensation one could
ever oet!!	'
Most of all. this size...^? It's as if I grew a / new pair of tentacle tails from my ass!
I might as well be called the Eleven Tailed Fox from now

( &P.RP.
It s good to s< you be more audacious...
W. whdt in the world is that beast?!
It s ginormous
Oh, so you re just	11°
getting started, huh?
This ought to be
interesting^	Well don-t ^
^ keep me waiting, give \\	1 me your best shot with
(1JL\A that mythic tentacle

OH FUCK_____
It s tearing through my whole vagina.. So intense...!
Look.	^
I could literally SEE the wrinkles on the tentacle from my belly!	>
So lewd so gorgeous...
I m warning you... That

Shove its
can’t feel anything ?fse, my entire body is being flooded by intense orgasm?
efiled mv womb... at a sight, having a triplet would even make a smaller bellv bulae an
s victims ass
Look at my insanely voluptuous belly<sP> Being tainted from body to mind by

you sure i n are one
a Deing with
' driving me
I’ve never met anyone who pushed me this I far...! >
I This is absolutely G^^mlndb lowing 9 No. get it together.. jLcari’t let pleasure i^/lake/over me!!
You haughty little reptile. I

Hmm~ ^
But before we get involved...
l|Delie^ajE^mlg a littl^^^H
Here boy~<p Your beloved, juicy asshole, finally at your loyal service!
I m specially forgiving your insolence moments ago, and letting you... play me... at your favor...!
s too much than ^ ight. damn...!


Ш,MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL porn,r34,тематическое порно/thematic porn,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,Порно-комиксы без перевода,Порно-комиксы,Порно комиксы,,stomach deformation,секретные фетиши,tentacles

R Ml e rely/ tdiSjOtisrol
I* t • .',T™
/ T“

ANYTH I could be anything you want? a
I'll give you
all I gotf*\
I'll become x one with you? Just promise,MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL

mm i : / к$ям
ЙИ»Ш1Я1 шамиш,MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL porn,r34,тематическое порно/thematic porn,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,Порно-комиксы без перевода,Порно-комиксы,Порно комиксы,,stomach deformation,секретные фетиши,tentacles

% "" : ' liTTr^TTv^T
шт»; g т^!шашд1Д|"I
\еЩ Л7/ ¿1 i a i г	ГштШ
ШГ7У111Шт- Jlii!,MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL porn,r34,тематическое порно/thematic porn,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,Порно-комиксы без перевода,Порно-комиксы,Порно

Such powerful essence...
Before my eyes
All that
All that
s 1		^ ’Yl
—!	Can t... be... )	f /) y r ^ >,MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL porn,r34,тематическое порно/thematic porn,секретные

What in the world happened back there?!
I was zoning out after dying again and all of a sudden I got this Baron buff and you were executed and I was so worried-I mean I did want to help again but when I got captured this huge tentacle just ravaged my mouth and then something came through my

 \ V / » — _.. л г
CUM- r MING I Hku h-! Well played, darling^? Though I still could use some more... now. ^One dares to satisfy its ^ sick taste of voyeurism by dropping by my mealtime’.. ^ What a sleazy child! .
Show yourself RIGHT THIS INSTANT! A duty to Hell? You perverted little brat... Teemo?? C, captain Teemo on duty... JAW riecht, scout of I Bandle... any final [ words to sav? . r Let me see-introduction, essence, Hand of Baron, Baron this, Baron that v blah blah... > ' Hold on...! Bandle scout mission badge no. 669 "Charm the Baron"! I need your help, It s WAY too long.. Any short versions please? > Please fuck ^ Baron ^ I knew I should’ve just . killed you. ^ xWhat s'thisxcr' / r \ t \% conference paper d** p'te / ...In summary, as /the Baron itself is merely r a living being, one could retrieve its essence via a ^.strong charming force.», And in the rift, —/ the Baron buff will \ / come along as well. ) / is it correct? / ' This would be amazing if it were true, but why are you asking help for... me? Cause sir Ahri is the most charming being in all of . Runterra, sir...! > ^ Wow, now you re ^ flattering me? Makes me wanna punch you ^ even more... ^ Pure genius, sir ^ Well, despite your attitude, this theory of yours does look kinda interesting Follow me... y Oh, Is it happening riqht now?
WHAT THE-Where did all these shit come from?! guess. uhh... kOf all the things * I expected, this was definitely not on the list!!! [irlere^comeTcioserff! Damn is she sensitive... I HEARD THAT There should be a way...! ./"'What? ^ Watcha gonna do? Blow a magic Ss, flute?! > What? Why you little...! Your starting to test my limits! Is all this some sort of a sick joke or what?! If you say "he! spontaneously appear after 20 minutes". 1 swear I II tear you apart!!! ...Yes Nashor’s Nest OK, were here. Now how do we lure this beast out? Actually I think 1 missed that part. ...Forget it. I" just figure it out myself. sorry sir Let s attract him with a charm spell. At least But what is a charmed Baron like? You have no idea, don’t you?
Deep Down Nashor's Nest WHAT THE- WHAT HAPPENED IN THE LAST FEW MINUTES?! WHY AM I NAKED. AND WHY IS MY 'BOT LANE' ABOUT TO GET WRECKED?!! EXPLAIN THIS. MUSHYPEAS!!! Drawing clothes is too hard ) Well Thanks, That Explains A I DAMN LOT- HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HELP ME??? MOTHER Teemo...! On second thought, I d love to be penetrated by sir Baron Nashor’s elegant tentacle penlses, what a great honor! J Hey...! How come Hh < sleeping peacfully on the ground? Where’s gender equality when you need it?! a Heisie^eni ifjp!l .Executed? I’m not.. sleeping, Fuck gender equality!
hmQSn!nl turning outlfilpe kinda weirdY^but in theoend. 1 did succeed in gaining the Baron's . \ interest! / r^stdys^solid: \ •^retrieveW^Bron's essence and gain the Bargnjbuff... Not evn sun? if it'll work, but iNdon't l see any other \ options left! I'm kind of an expert in these stuff' myself, let's see who stands till the very end...! OMGOMG OMGOMG OHG J You know that’s not how things work, do you? What madman pushes the inner turret before destroying the outer one?! | I mean, it's ' not like I enjoy being fucked in the pussy, but...! Oh for crying! out loud!!! ' comming Wha- HEY!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Starting 1 from BEHIND?! YOU SICK BASTARD...! DOES 'BARON' IN YOUR NAME MEAN ANYTHING?! ACT NOBLE...! BY ALL MEANS, THIS IS S000 NOT RIGHT!!!
Wm It really came in... the Baron s huge tentacle-inside my ass!!! You meanie... —r\ *hicc* I m soo i weak down there... WAIT Why won t this thing stop I comming in?! Stop...stop...! Won t you ever l Give me a / break?! Stop... please! I could actually |see my stomach |bulging! This is ^ not how you i I impregnate j J females, you I freak!!! \ } m sorry... ) I’m sorry...! 7 I won’t mess / around with you ''ever again, please spare me just this once, I beg you...! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? LET GO AND STOP SHOVING IN THAT DAMN SHIT!!
NNH OUH I Filthy M tentacles JJ are filling P my innards \ with \ disgust...! V My belly... / S 1 can J barely / breathe...! This is hell... I don't care about that stupid buff anymore. Please, l just kill me...! a Wait-its too fast, pull it gently!!! You're I messing up my insides? My guts are gonna fall apart Sorry, sorry? Please have mercy? Anybody...! So full... ^ V/lTxwi\ I * my mind... J
Oh... is he letting ' me go now...? Need i to run away, but the impact of the penetration drained all my j strength... I’ll never do such thing again, please let me go.. Clutch *7 Come to think of it, > why would Baron be affected by my charm spell anyway? This was all just a naughty prank, that’s S. all... Now he’ll set J \ me free... / ¡^^ps*werHjE§ feting started Heh...hee...^B Teehee... /- _ ___j My charming skill rules...! HOLD IT!
mf Thanks for showing up just to make By him mad. now we're all fucked...! f You would've rethought your dumb visit^B if you tried out the Nashor's deluxe tentacle ^B L anal-evacuation service...!! Well, would you expect me to rather sit around and do jack-shit while Baron is planning to make an entire family tree out of you?! Teemo? U mon! let's get out... ' Why you little...! ^ How DARE you speak in such terrible manner! Useless, puny rodent!! 1 was trying to SAVE you damn it!!! BEHIND YOU!! THIS WAS YOUR IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE???? OH SHIT HE'S CC IMMUNE- 5ERI-OUSLY?! What the... he's even going with Teemo?! ll^QSn^TWIslofTurrW [eo^vhrimeflW! Hey! It was him who bothered you this time, what did 1 do to earn l this?! Go away...! Don't you think I had enough?! Just kill me. please. No. stop. STOP!!! THAT'S 0 STING-? 2j| Fs
BOTH HO LES... , AT ONCE...!? HEEEK F...FUCK...! MY ASS... IT'S RIPPING MV J ASS APART...?? f I a\ 11 Ijj \ / 1 [Jr / / \ /IfH \ fl L— ? /1 / ow you re crossing the line... G NH-Ü r Enough whining! I’m gonna hunt you down myself, no matter what it takes...! . Cough- You... You disdainful prick...! How dare you treat me as such a play...thing...! good
Ten Minutes Later... It takes forever. He’s unbeatable ' Why did I even sign up to this nonsense in the first place? Maybe there is a good reason why one shouldn’t . mess with yordles... , Guess III just give up now... ...What about this darn tentacle beast? I SWEAR he knows I can’t run away, and now he’s just playing , around with me... Guess he thinks its hilarious, making fun of two idiots who fell into their own doom? What a dick... V Oh yeah, all this is ^ MY fault, isn’t it? It’s karma getting all together Well it’s not like I wanted to live like this. V What a life...
 f^Falot^easier onlv«i^\^ul№Gamej KtITey lous^siut^.cB^.QilviQr^W |TiKis5isia»6acl"ti m'e*t oiridt-iona l ize ^S.nutfucUtKi si i slwnerjei i tie ndslB lHw5sTimp^siBlelir^tl^ti"tlpjQce N cptj^^si np^wfl^lll lib -^wna^CLUt thinker mef.j^H vauir^bVt'terttnQ^naty vnfa?i Foolish W N. How could I have been resisting this... This strong impulse of pure ECSTACY...?
All this force, all this restraint...! The feeling of getting smashed being tied up like a sex slave...! The best sensation one could ever oet!! ' Most of all. this size...^? It's as if I grew a / new pair of tentacle tails from my ass! I might as well be called the Eleven Tailed Fox from now on...^? But to be honest I expected more.. Why don't we- TAI<E TH UP A NOTCH
( &P.RP. kwaaaaa It s good to s< you be more audacious... W. whdt in the world is that beast?! It s ginormous Oh, so you re just 11° getting started, huh? This ought to be interesting^ Well don-t ^ ^ keep me waiting, give \\ 1 me your best shot with (1JL\A that mythic tentacle cock...! V ± w Y Warn r^Jh №. y R. XA 11
?? MR. MONST OH FUCK_____ ROUS COCK IS HERE? THIS BIG BAD BOV EILLS ME UP WITH SUCH, WILD EXCITEMENT??? It s tearing through my whole vagina.. So intense...! Look. ^ I could literally SEE the wrinkles on the tentacle from my belly! > So lewd so gorgeous... &1TCJH I m warning you... That is no place for a filthy tentacle cock!!! ne s going au-once more?! Wo stop... shoving cock... in...! Stop shoving!! This is insane, there’s no way that'll work...!
Shove its vulnera can’t feel anything ?fse, my entire body is being flooded by intense orgasm? efiled mv womb... at a sight, having a triplet would even make a smaller bellv bulae an entac s victims ass aroun Look at my insanely voluptuous belly<sP> Being tainted from body to mind by monstrous tentacles, slowly turning into the Baron s seedbed! With such a lewd scenario, V \ If g t I cant help but to get super horny...! Here it goes again. Incomming tentacle movement...! \ / V \ l 1 l • 1 \ 1 1 II 1 1 1 /
fBaro'n Nashor. you sure i n are one helPofla being.5 a Deing with supreme ' driving me CRAZY!! I’ve never met anyone who pushed me this I far...! > COUGH I This is absolutely G^^mlndb lowing 9 No. get it together.. jLcari’t let pleasure i^/lake/over me!! You haughty little reptile. I had enough of your lousy game! Now it' s my turn! Be prepared to have your essence sucked off all the way to the very bottom of 1 L vour soul! £
Hmm~ ^ But before we get involved... l|Delie^ajE^mlg a littl^^^H don't Here boy~<p Your beloved, juicy asshole, finally at your loyal service! I m specially forgiving your insolence moments ago, and letting you... play me... at your favor...! iegjS^aRSS s too much than ^ ight. damn...! ild've expected what » like, havina TWO o y Hold it together. > hold it togetherMlIK-Just a few inches deeper and you'll be skewered s. fox meat...!!/—lrp* ^Hehe... As soon as ^ I said yes. you're just digging in like a child, f loose in a candy shop...\ ^ How cuteS? ^ No need to hurry, we ll have LOTS of fun just the two of us... 1 ■ — ¥ ~ fi i
deonirfcM corinqtaM R Ml e rely/ tdiSjOtisrol SMiMB ^aciEesRisin^iSa I* t • .',T™ / T“ MHffil ANYTH I could be anything you want? a I'll give you all I gotf*\ I'll become x one with you? Just promise
/ Ш1ГШ mm i : / к$ям ЙИ»Ш1Я1 шамиш
% "" : ' liTTr^TTv^T шт»; g т^!шашд1Д|"I OHPH \еЩ Л7/ ¿1 i a i г ГштШ ШГ7У111Шт- Jlii!
BLI-fCi Such powerful essence... Just scattering away... Before my eyes All that suffering All that effort... s 1 ^ ’Yl —! Can t... be... ) f /) y r ^ >
What in the world happened back there?! I was zoning out after dying again and all of a sudden I got this Baron buff and you were executed and I was so worried-I mean I did want to help again but when I got captured this huge tentacle just ravaged my mouth and then something came through my butthole and that came hr straight out of my mouth then 1 went / unconscious I was back here the next moment I awoke, scared as shit / I couldn t dare to face him again-^/ How did you even manage to defeat such a preposterous beast?! WHAT’S UP WITH YOU?? Haven’t we checked that the buff is available? Why would you even volunteer to suffer... ’that’ all again?? It’s not about sex, fool? If only I could embrace the power of its essence, I II be INVINCIBLE?? All the sacrifice will be cheap- Can’t we please be rational?? Besides, the Baron isn’t even respawned yet? Cut the crap and follow me? The sooner we’re ready, the better? You call yourself a scout with such poor preparation?? m Why you maniac-Why are you bringing ME anyway?? Ctod knows what, just do something? It’s not like the Baron's gonna fuck itself? The End
MushyPeas,artist,Ahri,Ари,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL porn,r34,тематическое порно/thematic porn,секретные разделы,скрытые разделы joyreactor,Порно-комиксы без перевода,Порно-комиксы,Порно комиксы,,stomach deformation,секретные фетиши,tentacles
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